Stroud Choral Society New Members Form

Want to join us?

We're pleased to hear from anyone who would like to join the choir. Some sections (especially alto) are close to capacity and we may ask you to join a waiting list. New members to join the tenor or bass sections of the choir will be especially welcome.

Please complete and submit the form below to tell us a little more about yourself, and we will get back to you!

The subscription for Stroud Choral Society for 2023-2024 is £240. This includes all rehearsals and participation in four concerts.

Please note, that while we are a non-audition choir, our musical director will want to hear new members at some stage so he can make sure you are joining the right section for your voice. It's also handy for him to know your range so if we need to rebalance any sections, he knows who might be able to swap with ease.

Existing members, please do not use this form.

First name:
:   Required
Please state your usual voice part (if known) and details of choirs in which you have sung and when:   Required

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